
Benefits Calculator

Calculate how to use our new Fast Clearcoat D8175 will help your bodyshop to sell more, save more and produce more.

Please notice that the Flash off time for the Fast clearcoat D8175 is always 10 minutes = 5 minutes between coats + 5 minutes before baking, These are included in the calculation tool.

Please fill the data below and click Submit

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Sell more

Units produced / Day

Which represents additional sales per month of {{potentialAdditionalSales | currency : "€ " : 0;}}

Save more

Drying Time & Energy Savings

Drying time is reduced to {{dryingTimeBefore - dryingTimeWithNewClearCoat}} minutes which represents monthly energy cost savings of {{ savingsInEnergyCosts | currency : "€ " : 2;}}

Produce more

Average Booth Cycle Time

Improve the capacity for production of your bodyshop by saving {{avBoothGain}} minutes of Both Cycle Time

New Clearcoat Gain Current New Clear Coat Gain Potential Capacity
# of Work Days in Month {{ workDaysMonth | number: 1}} {{ workDaysMonth | number: 1 }} {{ workDaysMonth | number: 1}}
# of Repairs delivered / Month {{repairsDeliveredMonth | number: 0}} {{gainRepairsDelivered | number: 0}} {{repairsDeliveredMonth | number: 0}}
# Θαλάμων Βαφής {{sprayBoot | number: 1}} {{sprayBooth | number: 1}} {{sprayBooth | number: 1}}
Spray booth available hours / day {{sprayBoothAvailable | number: 1}} {{gainSprayBoothAvailable | number: 1}} {{gainSprayBoothAvailable | number: 1}}
Average Repair Value {{repairValue}}
Spray Booth Costs / Hour {{boothCostsHour}}
Application Time (in min) {{applicationTime | number: 1}} {{newClearCoatConstant}}
Drying minutes of current clearcoat {{bakeCurrentClearcoat| number: 1}}
Drying Minutes of New clearcoatDrying Minutes of New clearcoat {{bakeFastClearcoat}}
Minutes {{sprayBoothMinutes}} {{sprayBoothMinutes}} {{sprayBoothMinutes}}
Average Booth Cycle Time (Minutes) {{avgBoothCycleTime| number: 0}} {{avgBoothCycleTimeNew| number: 0}} {{avgBoothCycleTimeGain| number: 0}} {{pcaAvgBoothCycleTime| number: 2}}
Booth Cycles per Day (Avg per Booth) {{avgPerBooth| number: 1}} {{gainAvgPerBooth| number: 1}} {{pcaAvgPerBooth| number: 8}}
Units per Day {{unitsPerDay| number: 1}} {{gainUnitsPerDay| number: 1}} {{unitsPerDay| number: 5}}
Booth Energy Costs / Repair {{boothEnergyCostsRepair | currency : "€" : 2;}} {{gainBoothEnergyCostsRepair | currency : "€" : 2;}}
Potential Additional Sales / Month {{ potentialAdditionalSales | currency : "€" : 0;}}
Savings in Energy Costs / Month {{ savingsInEnergyCosts | currency : "€" : 2;}}
Increase Capacity (cars / Day)Increase Capacity (cars / Day) {{ increaseCapacity | number: 2}}